Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Abercrombie and Fitch Models

The idea of Abercrombie and Fitch models evokes an all American, athletic yacht club kind of vibe, and—you know you were thinking it—young, scantily clad, muscular or slender men and women. Indeed, as soon as you walk into an Abercrombie store you’re likely to run into models, in person or in large posters along the walls that fit this prototype. And not only do you encounter them in the store; they’ll follow you out of the store as well on the bag that carries your new purchases. You won’t hear many people complaining about being stalked, however, because no one can deny the appeal that Abercrombie and Fitch models have to the public, specifically the targeted demographic of customers 25 years old and younger. However, when you come across Abercrombie models you might notice that many ethnicities tend to be underrepresented